Our brand-spanking new game Lightning Strike Dash is now available at Indievania (Pay What You Want.)
We would really love to get some feedback on the game, as it's pretty much been hammered out in a dungeon for two months. we're dying to know what everyone thinks of it. Cheers!
Here's the game's description:
Lightning Strike Dash is a rhythm-action game that will have you careening around over 50 electric tracks at high speeds trying to score points by matching your ship's color to the different colored gems and barriers strewn about. To score big points you'll need to steer cleanly (using the mouse) through zig-zagging pathways loaded with obstacles you need to take out in perfect combos to increase your multiplier, waiting for the right moment to hit the boost and net the lightning lap bonus.

Available now at Indievania (Pay What You Want.)
Created with Game Maker 8
Music by Positively Dark
"The Road To Turmbuhne" by Rosengren & Chelly